Saturday, June 30, 2012

Second Sunbridge Week

...Mostly photos, a few explanations:)

From the Fiber Craft Studio...

...I've taken up the drop spindle this past week by way of a creative friend and a supportive environment....
Roving has now taken on another trait in my book!!!

A variety of flowers, peels, and other plant life for plant dyeing..
pictured here: onion peels, cosmos, chestnuts, and madder.
I bought .5 lbs. of madder to experiment with red/dark salmon tones..

During our practical class block, we wet felted some Fall apples together:)

Kindergarten Classroom,
 Green Meadow Waldorf School

Parent-Child Classroom, 
This space is specifically designed for ages birth-2
(can you tell why?)
Green Meadow Waldorf School

A great set up of "Pikler" furnishings; developmentally appropriate for babies and young toddlers.
Notice the cube in the background...this is a great piece of equipment for the stage of emerging crawling on the hands and knees, as well as when the child is an accomplished crawler:) I am sure they also love to crawl through it, too:) Imagine the delight and interest!

Again, design and simplicity in play materials and gross motor equipment based upon the developmental progresses though the early months and years of life..

Two of my newest friends...  :)
It's incredible to be around so many like minded people, day in and day out.

more later!


  1. Your photos are always such an inspiration to me! Especially ones like these. It is my dream to become a Waldorf teacher some day as well! Thank you so much! I love your blog. Please stop by and tell me what you think of mine if you'd like.

  2. I forgot to leave you my link

  3. Beautiful friend! my daughter and i having been exploring fiber for a long time. She is a very beautiful fiber artist at 12. Lol amazing, her work is on my current post if you would like to peek.
    Light and magic your way

  4. Hello!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog today. :)
    I came over to visit yours. You have a lovely, inspiring blog.
    I just picked up the very same spindle book from the library yesterday that you show in your first picture. I love coincidences!!

    Love, Taryn

  5. Dear Rebecca, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
    I have had a drop spindle for years, but the children and I cannot quite get it going. I would love to learn.
    Love to you, Melanie

  6. Hi there!! I'm always so happy when new people stop by my blog and leave a comment!! Now, I've found your wonderful blog!! Your photos are so pretty. We attended a fundraiser for our local Waldorf school. My friend's son attends the school. It was a barn dance and we had such a wonderful time. Have a great day and best of luck with your yarn work!!

    ~ Wendy

  7. Looks like some kind of heaven!


  8. What beautiful photos of light, simplicity, and inspiration! Praying for you as you learn and grow each day. Can't wait to read more of your journey!

  9. So inspiring! It's amazing how a space can make you feel - even through just photos! Lovely Miss R!

  10. the picture with the ball inside a wood square with a ramp leading up it, where can i find the wood square and ramp?


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