Monday, August 27, 2012

Asleep on a Sunbeam

Before the Summer is just a sweet memory; the warm sun taking its final curtsy, the leaves preparing for their grand dance down to the ground, some photos of the Nature Table we have enjoyed all season long:)

Very simple objects found in nature, a sand and shell terrarium and sailboat vignette. 

Our mealtime candle has been called "Ocean Blue"..

Green Meadow Waldorf School Kindergarten

All of our playgarden Summer birthdays have been celebrated and have passed...

My craft room is about to undergo a small renovation...soon it will be our watercolor painting room! A long, low table will stand in the center of the room and not much else. Standing while painting is ideal and I've been trying to figure out a way for this to happen. We'll go upstairs for our painting; most likely forming a long chain of hands while we walk up the steps. I'm looking for a song to accompany this; suggestions are welcome! Thus far, I like this one:

A lovely rainbow, see it span
So brightly shining 'oer the land
It is so red, gold, green and blue
I'd like to climb it now with you
A lovely rainbow, see it span
So brightly shining 'oer the land

We're trying to return to the beach a few more times before the season "closes"....
I'm looking forward to beach time during September and October....the days are crisper, the beaches only dotted with people, the sun red in the sky, the height of Summer over and gone. This is the time to sit and savor.  

Another summer's passing by
All I need is somewhere I can feel the grass beneath my feet...
  A walk on sand, a fire, I can warm my hands,
 My joy will be complete..

1 comment:

  1. Beautifull as always. Is the candels biwax from stockmark? or how have you made them, i love them!


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