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Monday, May 9, 2011

Simple wool butterflies

As we move on towards the third week after Easter, our home undergoes a slow transformation...
Our Easter eggs disappear gradually...
Baby birds have left the nest...

Our springtime Lambs are no longer tiny babies...
The wind carries butterflies and bumblebees through our backyard, much to W's delight.
Yes, the promises of Summer are becoming very real day by day!
As mentioned above, I try to make the changes to our decorations, vignettes, and nature table very gradual, just as the progression of the seasons.

 One of the first new appearances was a butterfly made from wool roving. Just one.
Here is my very simple tutorial...(a great project for a young needlefelter!)
Gather materials:
*Cleaned and carded wool, any variety or color(s)
*Brown or black yarn
*White Glue
*felting needle
*felting mat (packing foam works well!)
With your felting needle, shape your wool into a small square (3"x3", approx.)

 If you're new to needlefelting, try shaping the wool with one hand, and heavily felt with the needle using your other hand. Watch your fingers!
After a few minutes, turn your work to the other side and heavily felt.

 Take your yarn and cut 2 pieces approx. 20 inches long.
Wrap both pieces of yarn together around the middle of the felted square, thus creating the "abdomen"  of your butterfly.

 Conclude the wrapping at one end of the square, leaving approx. 1 inch of yarn on each strand.
These short strands will become the butterfly's antennae!
The antennae will stand up on their own after a thin coating of white glue, applied with your fingers.

 Attach your butterfly to a twig with a piece of white thread and add to your late spring bouquets!
They also float nicely in the summer breeze....
...more butterflies will appear in our home as the summer days approach..
Perhaps some bumblebees, as well:)
Later this week, I'll be hosting a beautiful giveaway for a free spot in an online wool crafting course...wool is such a fantastic and versatile fiber to craft with. I am so excited to be a part of this course and even more excited to bring a chance for one lucky reader to participate for free!
Happy crafting, mamas!


  1. Nice project. The giveaway is exciting!

  2. I change our home gradually with the seasons as well. It's something I've always done with linens and curtains and such but now that we have a little guy, it's become a bit more involved and much more fun! Lovely butterfly♥
    And what a fantastic give-away!

  3. Great craft idea. I am looking forward to seeing the real butterflies outside in the garden...

  4. Beautiful! I felted a butterfly, bee and catepillar for my little one's car seat. He likes to bat at them.

  5. what a great little project, our garden has been full of butterflies lately

  6. What a beautiful little butterfly! I'll have to try one. Thanks!


  7. so sweet, I love the simplcity. I also love the slow transition between seasons. It makes so much more sense that a big sudden chamge, which would be after all unnatural. hugs Laura x

  8. Oh thank you! I'm such a begginer when it comes to needle felting and I decided to start with making a fairy, hehe. I've made a few things since but have never really been satisfied with how they turned out (because I really don;t know what I'm doing!). This will be a good practice project and I'll look forward to the giveaway!

  9. So sweet! K just made something similar in school <3
    I just had to stop by with my love, again. I am so sorry I haven't been able to e-mail yet!!

  10. I love making wool butterflies, and yours are so perfect. Thanks for a great idea.

  11. Great Post! Thanks for the insights and thoughts.


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