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Friday, May 6, 2011

Giveaway Winner & Week in Photos

 We have been cooking, baking, and chopping nearly all morning long during playschool this past week!
  Banana bread, carrot-honey cake, and a lentil porridge left us with full tummys and messy aprons...

Steaming our vegetables before chopping makes the task a bit easier for learning hands...

We've started sunflowers inside and we're all enjoying the quivering of stringed instruments, such as the lyre (the children may experiment with my guidance) and the music maker (pictured above, which was my all time favorite toy growing up!)

The public Rose Garden a block from our house is a daily adventure...filled with sunny yellow dandelions!

W, pre anesthesia

And lastly, we have just finished our second round of laser surgery for W's facial hemangioma. He has been incredibly resilient and forgiving; going about the rest of the day as if nothing had ever happened. The results are good, but we will most likely need 2 or 3 more treatments before significant fading. We have found that it is better for me to not be present during preparation for anesthesia, as W can't nurse for 2 hours before the procedure. And I kid you not....he was *very* upset that he couldn't have his comfort measure, and I don't blame him. So this week, I instead wandered through the enormous hospital; visiting the gift shop and crying very real tears while paging through a book of poetry entitled "To My Son" (the cheesy instrumental Elton John music playing didn't exactly help, either..), and spending time in the very peaceful chapel within the hospital. Twenty minutes later, I was back upstairs nursing my little boy back to comfort and security.

W is proud to announce our Spring giveaway winner.....
 The Awakened Heart said...'Oh the little barn is just darling. I also loved those little pocket cars. i can so imagine my Finn playing with them.'
   Congratulations! Please contact me (bendingbirch@gmail.com) so I can have your choice of prize sent out to you:)
   ....More good news for everyone...another GIVEAWAY next week! It's going to be fantastic...just wait and see:)


  1. Aw, so glad to hear he did so well and you were quickly reunited. Your playschool looks like so much fun! Love the idea of steaming veggies first. Great tip.

  2. You're such a great Mom, Rebecca! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. What lucky little ones! I know my bug loves to help cook things! Glad to hear your son's treatment is going well, I hope it fades quickly so that you don't have to have to many more hospital cries :)

  4. Oh, such moments you have shared. W's expression just about has me in tears. Yay for the magic of nursing...and a loving family.

  5. OH, poor little angel. I have to say that I LOVE his Tee! ahah. You and your little guy are so courageous! I'm sending you lots of love

  6. Anesthesia in little ones is such a scary and unsettling thing. Hope the number of times you endure that separation is limited. And I have been wondering if you got the crowns. I see you have!

  7. Your playschool looks amazing :)
    How lucky sweet little W is to have your as his Mummy :) Hugs xx

  8. wow sounds like you and the littlies have been cooking up a storm! Great idea to steam veggies to make them easy to cut. Glad to hear W is going well with his treatments

  9. Oh, poor little thing missing his milk and poor you for being away, even if just for a little while. I know how hard it must be for you. At least the treatment itself is not affecting him too deeply.

  10. It must be so hard not to be able to comfort him in the way he is used to before the treatments! Your home looks so warm and inviting, Thank you as always for the beautiful inspiration!

  11. Sometimes, Mamas have to be away just for a little while. The most important thing is that W. knows you will always return.

    Happy Belated Mother's Day!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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