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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A giveaway for Wool lovers...

 Mmmmm, if you're like me, you can't help but enjoy tactile experiences when it comes to crafting...
The feeling of wet, soppy wool in your hands..
The warmth of a thick strand of roving...
Fuzzy wool yarn slipping through your fingers and leaving your hands smelling earthy and lovely...
For all of you self proclaimed wool lovers, I am so happy to bring you a unique Spring giveaway this week!

 Please welcome Nicole, a lovely crafter from Western Australia with brilliant creativity, talent, and ideas!
Nicole is offering an online Magic Fairy Wool class where her "students" will view a private blog full of crafting instructions to create beautiful wool fairies, snails, gnomes, and many other adorable creatures. No wet felting or needlefelting technique is required. Best of all, the (very budget friendly) registration fee includes 20 grams of plant dyed wool!!

I had a few questions for Nicole about her crafting background and inspirations. As a hands-on learner myself, I also wanted to get her input on how an online class would work for someone like me (and many others!)

When and how did you begin your journey with fiber arts?
 I got started in fibre arts from a very young age. My mum used to sew and knit for us, and instead of playing with my dolls I used to sew and knit clothes for them. When I was 17 I started to design and knit sweaters for a shop - I actually knitted all day at school and earned enough money to go on holidays to Paris and the Canary islands! After I had my first child a friend of mine sent me two books from Germany: one on felting and the other one on 'Magic Fairy Wool'. Back then I couldn't get any supplies for my new hobby, and that's how my mum started plant-dyeing the wool. I used to make a lot of toys when the boys were still little and in recent years I have moved more into making scarves and decorative pieces.

What is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration would be Mother Nature... I love plant-dyed wool and do a bit of it myself on some of my felt-work. Nature is inspiring in every way: colour, shape, structure... it's all out there!

What advice can you give to crafters who may not be used to online classes?
My advice to crafters who are not used to online classes is:'don't be shy and give it a go!' Honestly, it's so much fun! You get to meet like-minded people from around the world, share pictures of your creations and have chats online... And you can take your time... make the projects in your own time... at night while the children sleep... continue three weeks later...
The online classroom will be open for a couple of months ;)

For more detailed information on the class, please visit this link. Her blog is beautiful inspiration, too!
Now, for the giveaway details!!!
Nicole is graciously giving away a free spot in her online course, which you can work your way through at your own pace. The winner can purchase the plant dyed wool through her website or Etsy store.
Two ways to enter the giveaway....
1. Leave a comment telling me your favorite natural fiber to craft with and why! I am so looking forward to reading your responses!
2. If you're a follower of Bending Birches, let me know in the comment section for an additional entry!
The giveaway will close May 15th at midnight.
Best of luck!


  1. What a fun and unique giveaway!

    I think wool is my favorite fiber -- I love how it can be used in so many different ways to make so many different kinds of things, is warm even when wet and feels (and smells!) so great. And the way it picks up dyes!

  2. I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Wool is definitely my favorite, it's so versatile!

  4. Oh what a lovely treat! My favourite thing to do, I think, is knit with real wool. I love how it smells, feels and looks, and then I get to enjoy seeing my loved ones wearing whatever I have made. I do some wet felting and needlefelting at a very basic level and would love to get better at it! I also follow your blog.

  5. Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a longtime knitter and am now learning to spin! It's so rewarding to start with raw wool directly from the sheep and see it transform in your own hands.

  6. I would definately say wool is my fav. I love how it feels... alive... ever since I started using wool I can't stand the feel of the other junk! lol What a wonderful giveaway!! those little birdies are the cutest!!


  7. I <3 wool! 100% wool felt animals stuffed with clean carded wool....knitting beautiful things in wonderful wool! felting with warm water and lavender soap....i <3 wool! I just <3 wool!

  8. I am also a blog follower! ^_^

  9. Hi, Im Valentina from Italy..my favourite fiber is wool..I love knitting every day for me, my son, my friends...

  10. I have to be honest, my favorite fiber so far has been cotton, because I do more sewing than fiber crafts right now, mostly for lack of knowledge ;) The more I learn about wool and the more projects I try the more intrigued I am! I have made a few attempts at needle felting, one attempt at wet felting so far, and a little bit of felting in the dryer (not sure what that counts as?? I also love wool felt for crafting, I used quite a bit for projects for my daughter's birthday and it is so much more beautiful to look at and feel than the poly kind!

  11. Wow this is a great giveaway. My favorite fiber to work with is wool, honestly. The smell, the workability, the stretch. Nothing beats it. I am also a follower!

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  12. What a lovely giveaway! I recently have started learning to needlefelt and I LOVE it! So I would have to say right now my favorite fiber would be wool roving. It is still a bit bizarre to me to see something created from these fibers and some stabs of a needle :-) I am also a follower.

  13. thank you, Rebecca, for the beautiful post and give-away!
    i am looking forward to having you in the class ;)
    xo nicole

  14. Favorite.... I don't know! Wool probably. you can do so many things with it!

  15. And I'm a follower, but you knew that already!

    thanks for the opportunity! I always wanted to try my hand at that, but can't really afford to stash for starting..

  16. hi, i love crafting with wool felt, its dreamy! i love her birds!!

  17. i'm a follower!

  18. Wool is by far my favorite fiber. I love the way it feels. I love the way it smells. I love how versatile it is! I also love how little ones seem to naturally gravitate toward its warmth. So nice!

  19. I follow via Google Reader!♥

  20. Follower, just getting myself into crafting with fibers so I don't have a fav yet.

  21. I follow. This is a wonderful giveaway! Very exciting. :)

  22. It's too hard to pick a favorite. i think what I really like is having a variety - it makes things so much more interesting and a little challenging to switch to different fibers. I guess if I have to pick, I'd say I do have a special satisfaction in spinning angora since it comes from my own rabbits.

  23. Wool is my favorite as well, I haven't really got the hang of wet felting yet but I love to needle felt. I would also really like to try a tapestry one day.

  24. I too am a follower, I love your blog, I love the concept of Waldorf on a budget!

  25. My favorite is wool and I love love to knit with it! I love how it feels, how it knits up, and how it smells. This is a great giveaway! Thanks Maria Weinert

  26. I am a follower too! I love how you do Waldorf on a budget! Thanks Maria Weinert

  27. Wool definitely is my favourite material to craft with. In all kinds of ways, woolfelt, colored wool. There is so much you can make of it. Ans I'm still learning. Specially needle felting is a nice challange to me.
    I also like your blog and am and stay a follower.

  28. Oh, I am having warm fuzzies seeing this giveaway is from a fellow west australian (my home state - but an army wife). I am a novice knitter so that is my fibre of choice is wool.

    I am a follower on google reader.

  29. Although I am a beginner at all crafts, my favourite material is cotton/fabric... I find wool very difficult to work with, but I'd love improve my skills. Your creations are incredibly sweet!

  30. I'm a follower. I'd like to learn more about wool, I think I will like it. But for now, my favorite things are things I find outside, like acorns, sticks, flowers, and pebbles. I love to make flower crowns and braid grass and make fairy houses.

  31. I have only just dipped my toe into the water so to speak having only just completed my first wet felting project - I am hooked wool has now become my favourite, this course sounds perfect for the next step. I have only just discovered this blog and am now a follower... and would you believe, I too live in Western Australia!!

  32. Oh, I really adore working with wool! I would love to take a creative class Rebecca! So, so fun!! I loved her little bunny rabbits

  33. Hello Rebecca,
    I've been following your blog for a while now. It's very inspiring to see how you live and what you do (craftywise).
    Now you have this very nice give- away. I saw you visited my blog as well so you know I love working with natural materials, especially wool. I love the feeling, the smell and the possabilities of it. Now I'm not very good at "wrapping"(I don't know what you call it in English) wool. I would like to learn a bit more about that! And I'm very curious how this course will work. I saw that Nicole makes beautiful things, so I'm sure she could teach me a lot!
    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  34. I'm a blog follower :)

  35. Wool is my favorite material to craft with. I love the way it smells, feels and can be used for just about anything!

  36. Im realy loving wet felting the most at the moment. I love to see the change from puffy wool to a beautiful fabric, especially adding pictures and the way the colours blend. Ive hardly done any needle felting but would like to learn, this course looks fantastc, I love the little gnomes

  37. Oh...and I am most definitely a follower! :)

  38. I have always worked with wool as a knitter - but wet and needle felting are new to me. I love the sculptural possibilities. Fingers crossed!

  39. Oh what a wonderful opportunity! Wool is by far my favorite to work with. I love its feel. It's warmth.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  40. And of course I am a follower!

  41. I love wool...to needle felt, to wet felt, to knit...I don't have a lot of experience though and this course would be great! Thanks

  42. I have just begun to finger knit with wool yarn, taught by my thirteen year old who is in love with all types of handwork, particularly knitting. I love the feel of the wool yarn because of its soft feel, the thought of the sheep it has come from, and the therapeutic action of the finger knitting itself and the striving it gives me to learn more handwork.

  43. I just found out about Nicole's lovely tutorial and signed my self up right away! I think it is MOST wonderful and I love the plant dyed wool so much! My favorite handwork is needle felting currently, it is so magical and can be done in a very short time. I can't get enough of wool, it is so great!

  44. I'm your follower because i love your blog : )

  45. I don't do much handwork because prior to discovering Waldorf, I had hardly any exposure. I do like wool and have wool rovings and even wool books. So def. would like a chance to learn to work with it more. I love wool creations.

  46. Thanks for another beautiful give away! I love working with wool.. I'd say DS and I have both been really into wool and sheep lately! I love to do wet and needle felting and of course knitting. This class looks like a great way to learn some new techniques working with wool and that roving is just gorgeous!

  47. i like working with wool. . . yarns,felt,roving.so many things you can create with it!thanks!

  48. i am a follower of your blog.thanks again.

  49. Wool is my favorite fiber. So many options- batting, pre-felt, roving, yarn...the crafting choices are endless. :)

  50. Hi! I've just recently started to follow you but have enjoyed reading your blog, it's wonderful. Wool is my favourite fiber...I enjoy the softness and how it forms. Plus it's so gorgeous to dye. Thanks for the chance.

  51. I love needle felting with wool and would love to create some little birdies and nests for my daughters. They are obsessed with all of the busy birds building nests in our backyard right now!

  52. Silk:: it's cool and warming at the same time ;)


  53. i am a follower of your blog and enjoy reading and learning from you.
    thank you.

    goralelana at gmail dot com

  54. i actually dont have a favorite fiber to work with because i never had the chance to try working with it. i would love to try!

    goralelana at gmail dot com


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