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Monday, March 7, 2011

The mystery of Lent..

This season I am beginning to learn about overflows with images and practices that stir my emotions and grab at my heart and soul.
A time of mud and "mess"...akin to the outdoors right now.
The earth is thawing and mud is tracked everywhere.
A good Spring cleaning is an order, of house and of spirit.
Ash Wednesday reminds us that "Dust we are, and to dust we return".
A very humbling reminder.
I am using this time to reflect on who I am and how I can grow spiritually.
During our church's Easter Vigil service, W and I will be baptized together.
When I think of someone being baptized, I usually visualize an infant; so new and pure.
I wasn't baptized as a baby, and maybe it's all for the better..
I feel glad to have this experience as an adult.
I visualize a garden in the early spring time; muddy and unkept.
In need of some care. Weeding. Sorting. Time. Work.
The rose garden down the block from our home.
It's a mess every year at this time..until someone cares for it.
I am now comforted by and constantly returning to the phrase "God is Love".
This is a photo of the Rescue Mission in my hometown. It is a homeless shelter for men. My entire life I have driven by this sign..and it passed me by as just another piece of the landscape.
I am mulling over past mistakes, misjudgements, things I am not proud of, things I would like to change.
Trying to Confront and accept them.
Hoping to move on.
Accepting the light.


  1. Congratulations on your baptism. I hope you have a productive first lenten season. God bless. - Jill

  2. Wonderful! Your words are speaking right to my heart, thank you!

  3. How wonderful to be baptised together with W. I have loved following this unfolding in your life. My husband is being received into the Catholic Church at easter vigil too, so I will remember you and W and pray for you too as you mark your own journey in this holy and special way. God bless you all!

  4. I am a recent subscriber to your blog but how I love your every post! It is amazing how you capture feelings and are able to express them here, I wish I could do the same. I struggle with finding my inner core and understanding festivals and what they mean for the soul and your words are like a reflection of my feelings. Thank you so much for that! My daughter was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church recently and it reminded again me of the importance of soul path.

  5. Rebecca--thanks for sharing your thoughts on Spring--what's happening outside, and what's happening in your mind and heart, as well. :) Our family is in a time of transition right now, and it has been good for us--God is working in us--painful and messy at times, but I'm waiting for the roses!


  6. To say that I am happy for your new discoveries would be an understatement. ;-) I was baptized at 11 in the river near my parents' home. There is something very special about that moment and I know yours will be very meaningful to you. Think not of past shortcomings but of your future--washed clean.

  7. Congratulations on your impending baptism. I think it's good for us to take the time for that kind of introspection occasionally.

  8. This was so beautifull put and so moving! Thank you! It gives me a glimpse into lent...I have never known much about it.
    is love and also, I feel sure, forgiveness.

  9. Congratulations on your upcoming baptism. My 3 children are also getting baptized on Easter. I am so happy I have found my way back to faith in God and now can share it with my children. Blessing to you and W.

  10. This is a beautiful post. I'm happy for you, about your upcoming baptism. I don't know a whole lot about Lent, as I wasn't raised with that tradition, but I've been trying to learn more, because I see it as very meaningful.

  11. "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. - Isaiah 1:18 -

    Rebecca, you will be pure and at peace in the eyes of the Lord! :)

  12. Oh this post is just lovely. So much of what you have written has been on my mind as well :) Congratulations on your upcoming baptism to!

  13. Beautiful thoughts about Spring, Lent, Baptism and all-around renewal. Congratulations on your journey. You are such a beautiful person. Thank you for sharing you life so authentically with us!

  14. W is in my "this moment" post this week!


    Love you,

  15. This post was so wonderful that I had to read it to my husband, too. Thanks, Rebecca, for your honest and beautiful insights.

  16. Awe Rebecca, I just love this post. Thanks for sharing so much of how you are growing as a person and a mama. Its not easy to share all for the world to read, but I want you to know it is a blessing for me to read. Hugs!!

  17. how wonderful to read that Christians throughout the world
    that love God,
    Wishing you lots of love to your life

  18. So glad you are embracing this Lent in such a wonderful way.

    I will pray for you and W as you prepare for and are baptized.


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