About Me

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Premature Spring Fever!

It's everywhere...
I splurged a bit and bought a bouquet of Pussywillows at our local florist this week.
I'm loving them and hope they dry well...
The appearance of our first Root Children...
A delight to create; meaningful, and very simple. Oh, there will be more!!


We purchased a sun prism a few weeks ago...it was one of the best $2.99 purchases I've ever made!

Our little boy is doing well and we are seeing some real progress after his laser treatment. The bruising and swelling is noticeably better. He goes about his days like nothing has ever happened. The resiliency of a child is astonishing.
We love this hat! Created by WaldorfMama.
Some days here are blustery and very cold.
Other days remind me of the soothing balm of Spring that is surely coming...


  1. I wanna come live at your house...the pictures you post always exude such a sense of peace and calm. I think my house is in dire need of a shake up! So happy to hear that you son is doing well...these things are usually much worse on us, (the parents ;)
    xo maureen

  2. I LOVe pussy willows. I remember as a kid being fascinated with them and all their fuzziness! I need to bring some in and some forsythia branches in. Yay for springtime! It's right around the corner!


  3. HELLO SPRING! So happy that your son is bouncing right back into it. I know that was hard - on your whole family.

  4. Love your root children! I've been so excited for Spring this year too. After spending much of the winter in NY I now remember what it's like to crave Spring. Your son reminds me of my youngest. He looks like a gentle soul.

  5. Those glimpses of spring are beautiful!

    Here's to a well recovery!

  6. How good to hear everything is ok with W! Love your root children. Here in Holland you can also see spring coming, but you still feel winter!
    ♥ Barbara ♥

  7. love the pussy willow. I have some hanging in the kitchen from 3 springs ago!

  8. Glad to hear your son is doing well, he's got such a sweet little presence in your photos, I just want to squeeze him! I also agree that your pictures make your home seem really lovely, so warm and peaceful!

  9. your house is so inspiring. your little angel is precious.


  10. I hope I'm on your chalk board for Monday! Love your photos.

  11. so sweet in his little rainbow hat from shelley. i'm so glad things are going well. keep being brave like your little boy!

  12. So cute- I love the images and that hat is adorable.

  13. Lovely, fun post . . . I am so glad your babe is doing well and so is his mama! Your pussy willows remind me of Tudor's book, A Time to Keep. I think there are pussy willows bordering one the March illustration.
    I love how you are preparing for spring-so inspiring!

  14. I am also feeling a little stir crazy for spring! It is definitely on its way. Glad to hear W is doing well.

  15. Oh how i love pussy willows :) I can't find any here anymore so I've taken to making some woolen ones this year to bring some of the spring indoors *grin*. Such lovely photos of your days :)

  16. happy spring to you all over there !! xoxoxo

  17. I love your pussy willows too. We always had an Easter tree growing up made of pussy willow sprigs. Now I have a little pond on the property I live on and we can go collect our own! We actually still have the ones from last year that are in a corner in a vase. Erm, gotta work on letting go I guess! Ha!

  18. I especially like the little blue bird hanging from a branch in one of your photos--did you make it? Thanks for sharing your spring with us! :)

  19. I'm so glad your beautiful boy has done so well after his laser treatment. His hat is lovely.

  20. I just want to crawl right into your pictures and snuggle babies, and create! Lovely.

  21. Swinging under the beautiful trees while wearing a rainbow hat. Does it get any better than that? I think not. :) Thanks for joining us on Nature Connections!

  22. I love pussy willows...I have been half tempted to prune a few branches off our fruit trees and force a few early blossoms indoors.

  23. Oh, I am terribly late here. But I simply wanted to say that I'm thrilled that things are going well with your son's treatment!

    And lovely photos there, mama!


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