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Friday, March 11, 2011

Early Spring Nature Table


'March is an old man,
old and cold..
grey beard and weary....


soon he'll be going,
the grass will turn green..
soon the warm sun will melt him,
and he will be gone..'
Needlefelting inspired by Elsa Beskow's
'Around the Year'


We have soaked and lightly covered hard wheatberries with a thin layer of soil..
and up sprouted the grass in less than 3 days!
We plan on using it for W's Easter basket, too.
The earth is damp and squishy after a full day of rain yesterday..
the crocus is more lovely and purple than ever...



  1. Your nature table is lovely. I feel a little regretful as we head into Autumn here. I should try to embrace it a little more, I think.

  2. Oh I love your plants. My daughter does felting it is a nice art form. B

  3. so beautiful! what a great idea for the wheatberries!

  4. We used to do a nature "plate", since we don't actually have a table devoted to it, for lack of space, but somehow it vanished when winter came. Thanks for reminding me of bringing back something in our home my kids and I both loved and always looked forward to! I think it's time we bring it back!

  5. Such a beautiful and inspiring nature table!

  6. Very inspiring! I like the old March man.
    We plant "Easter gras" ,as we call it, every year in the weeks before Easter. The Easter bunny will then secretly place a red egg there (in the Waldorf tradition...)
    I love all the hiding, hoping and secrets of early childhood!

  7. Pretty! Good idea on the grass! I put a few sprouts in a small bowl for ours b/c I had the seeds, but the grass is a great idea!

  8. so so pretty this is! happy early spring to you!

  9. Oh, how gorgeous! I am so inspired by this beautiful nature table! It makes me want to get right to work! Okay, maybe tomorrow as I spent most of today at an EC conference, and I am now pretty tuckered out. : )

  10. The spring nature table is so cute. I love the elfin character. Thanks for linking up!

  11. Yay for the spring nature table!! I especially love your little gnome!! He's cute. :-)

  12. Beautiful photos! You have such a lovely blog - I can't believe I had not seen it before! I'm so glad to have found you, and I will be back!

  13. Your last few posts have been lovely. I was especially touched by your reflection on Lent. Your words really captured the season. I'll be sharing on my blog this week how we mark the days of Lent. I hope you'll stop by.


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