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Saturday, January 29, 2011

snowdrops, festivals, and beautiful music

As January comes to a close, I can't help but become a little bit eager for Springtime...especially since we have finished Winter celebrations and festivals. What fun we have had, and so much we have learned!
One of my most favorite books for discovering seasonal celebrations and festivals is All Year Round...I highly recommend it! We are looking ahead to the coming week as we spiritually prepare for Candlemas; another learning experience for us!
As I sit and watch more snowflakes fall from the sky, I begin to think of the dutiful work that is going on below the ground; underneath the ice and snow. We will soon be 'hunting' for these sure signs of spring and rebirth...such as the Snowdrop flower.
These beautiful flowers of the amaryllis family blossom mostly in the winter time, making them our first glimpse of the springtime to come.
Flowers almost always remind me of fairies, in some way...
I needlefelted this snowdrop fairy last night, as the final days of January slip away..

I have many springtime songs that I long to sing, and the time will come soon!
Do you have an all time, hands-down favorite song?
A song with incredible lyrics that take you "somewhere"?
I do! This beautiful song brings me to a luscious spring day in a forest among friends, music, animals, and the shadows of the past.
Loreena McKennit, "The Mummer's Dance",
my favorite song since high school! (ahem, 1998)
This song has meant so much to me over the years...and it still does today. Perhaps even more!

'A garland gay we bring you here,
and at your door we stand..
it is a sprout well budded out,
the work of Our Lord's hands...'


  1. This whole cd is fantastic...she has such a beautiful voice...anytime I need to get the kids grounded again I just pop in this cd and the whole mood in the room changes!! Thanks for added the you tube video..I've never seen it before...I just found her music through amazon when I bough celtic women they suggested Loreen!

  2. Loreena's voice is incredible. I listened to this while in grad school (ahem!!) I would often (and still do) listen to this before falling asleep to take away all the days intellectualism to take me to the spirits in dream land. Thanks for sharing the youtube link - beautiful images.

  3. I LOVE!!! your snowdrop fairy!!!
    And love to you sweet friend!

    (I'm sorry to be so slow at returning email, soon...)

    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!

  4. A favourite of mine also from highschool, however have not heard it for ages. Thank you for reminding me. I also love your snowdrop fairy - so beautiful!

  5. Love, love, love Loreena McKennit! Also highly recommend Joanna Newsom (Milk-Eyed Mender CD).

  6. What a beautiful song. I can't believe I have never heard it before.

    I love that book. My oldest friend has an ancient battered copy of it that belonged to her Mum. I only spotted it on her book shelf the other day, but looking throught it again knowing that it had been her Mothers I suddenly realised how many of the activities I now do with my boys, that she used to do with my friend and I.

    Smashing snow drop fairie as well. x

  7. Your needlefelted fairy is so pretty; I love it!
    Peace, Angela

  8. I love this cd! It's my favorite song too! I usually listen to falling asleep and also when I go on walks at my favorite park! Love your blog and loved your needlefelted fairie!

  9. Thanks for your very lovely and inspiring blog. Found it quite accidentaly, enjoyed a lot.
    God bless you and your family!

  10. Your snowdrop fairy is absolutely adorable.
    As I can see by your location you must be in the midst of this massive snowstorm.
    We could use a few snowdrops right now.
    Stay warm!

  11. Your snowdrop fairy is beautiful. Good work! And I loved the glimpse you gave us into your little town.

  12. What a sweet snow drop fairy. Love your needle felted creations. :-)


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