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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


.....If Candlemas day be shower and rain, Winter is gone and will not come again....

Last evening, the weather forecast was like nothing I have ever seen before in our area.
Half an inch of pure ice...power lines and tree branches likely to snap...."keep a flashlight handy and the house stocked with food and water..."
It looks like we're not going anywhere...and that's fine with me!
I have big plans for today, at home!

Candlemas celebrates the beginning of the lengthening of the days, which is very exciting for someone like me who suffers from premature Spring Fever. The book “All Year Round” (yes, I so love this book!) cleverly states, “At the beginning of February, when the infant light of spring is greeted thankfully by the hoary winter earth, it seems fitting that we should celebrate a candle Festival to remember that moment when the Light of the World was received into the Temple, when the old yielded to the new.”
That Light of the World is Jesus Christ...and I am seeing this more and more in my every day. I am lucky enough to have a kind of "spiritual guide" to the Liturgical Calendar (as it is all so new to me)...a fantastic young priest (and mother!) from the Episcopalian Church we have been attending. Meaningful rituals have truly helped me land on the path to understanding, so I felt very connected and emotional when I lit our candle at sundown yesterday (sundown is the beginning of the next liturgical day)....
By tradition, Candlemas eve is the date upon which all Christmas decorations are removed. This is kind of hard for me, as I so love all of the greenery around our home. Never the less, I feel refreshed by my new surroundings...
Our beloved greenery is replaced by the bare twigs of February. W and I found these branches while out for our daily winter walk. Buds are forming on the branches...a snap of the twig reveals a sumptuous internal green. These twigs represent the promise of rebirth; a bountiful Spring season and the gradual warmth of the sun....this means much to me, as there is so much I can connect with in my personal life!
Our branches are home to some sweet crocheted hearts (made for us by a dear friend) for our upcoming Valentine's Day celebration.
A shallow saucer of earth has been placed on our seasonal table. Wheat seeds will be planted at a later time...but for now, this represents the slow and dutiful work going on below the ground.

Thus we banish winter
Thus we welcome spring
Say farewell to what is dead
And greet each living thing
Thus we banish winter
Thus we welcome Spring.


  1. Very nice, we celebrate imbolc, which is the Pagan origin of Candlemas (it seems like almost every Christian holiday has a Pagan origin!);)

  2. Beautiful post Rebecca! I am happy for this day.


  3. Your seasons table looks beautiful. We too have collected twigs and I love watching as the buds unfurl day by day. Although its a little sad to clear away the final christmas greenery, the feeling of freshness, renewal and promise more than compensates. :)

  4. Regarding the comment by "Anonymous," many Christmas holidays do have pagan origins. I like to think that people across all of time have been identify and celebrating what is beautiful and amazing in nature. When Christians came along, they recognized the same beauty and wonder and put the name of the God they (we) love on those things. Some Christians have trouble with the pagan roots of many of our traditions, but I relish the common ground and the eternal search for ways to understand God.

  5. Oops...I meant many "Christian" not "Christmas."

  6. That is a lot of ice. Enjoy your day.

  7. What a beautiful post! I've never managed to celebrate this day, but now I'm set for next year!
    xo maureen

  8. lovely site!
    I found you at the still parenting...
    I am also a big Waldorf fan.
    Please, come by for a visit when you have a chance.

  9. I forgot to mention

  10. A Blessed Candlemas/Imbolc to you girl :)
    Looks like nature set a wonderful decor for this holiday!

  11. Rebeccca,
    Once again I am enchanted and delighted by your writing and your photographs. I would love to read more about your experiences at the new Church. We are lapsed Catholics searching for a new faith community...from what I understand Episcopalism is similar to Catholicism in ritual and faith, yet is more progressive.

  12. Simply beautiful, Rebecca. An icy outside, a warm inside.
    xo Jules

  13. I just love the warmth of your home and the rituals that you so purposefully celebrate. You're nature table is set up so beautifully Rebecca! :-)

  14. Those photos of the ice are extraordinary. A lovely post.

  15. The ice photos are absolutely stunning!

  16. I really enjoyed reading your post! Your nature table il lovely!
    ♥ Barbara ♥

  17. Wow, the photos with the ice are simply magical. :)

  18. How lovely- thank you for sharing your sweet traditions with us! I love the elements that the earth, light and branches represent!
    Lovely photos too-
    I link with the M.O. This week as well:

  19. Another inspiring post. I just posted a bit about our first ever Candlemas celebration! I love your Valentine decor :)

  20. That ice is beautiful..it looks like candy!

    We got snow, snow & more snow this week!

    Blessed Imbolc to you & yours!!

    Here is my moment this week~

  21. Beautiful post. I've always loved a good ice storm (provided that everyone is snug and warm at home). Wishing you a snug, safe, and warm weekend. Take care.

  22. I love this as always!! You do such a wonderful job at keeping wonder alive.

  23. Wow the two first photos are gorgeous and cold, he he he
    I'm cold here too now.

    Have a nice weekend.

  24. gosh what amazing pictures! Love the pics in the sidebar too, we used disana tie ons a lot, they are great

  25. This is such a gorgeous post and a peek into such a beautifully inspiring home. I'm with Renee also on the issue of origins. I'm delighted, not troubled, by those connections and I find they affirm my faith in the importance of these special days.

  26. Oh Rebecca, this was such a beautiful beautiful post! I too so look forward to this coming season of rebirth. And it is certainly worth celebrating the seeds stirring deep in the ground and the wonderful light that is growing!
    I don't think I ever mentioned wither, I LOVE! your snowdrop fairy!!!
    Love to you! XOXO

  27. Wow -- the pictures in this post are lovely, and your reflections are as well!!

    I love when the lengthening of days begins! Enjoy!


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