About Me

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Winter seasonal table and star of wonder...

We are in the heart of the Winter season here..
The days are cold; sometimes frigid.
We await more snow every week..
Our seasonal table represents the icy blue of winter; the animals hiding their food..
(beautiful wooden animals made by fellow blogger and friend )
King Winter standing tall.
I added a teal backdrop (a dyed cotton diaper), stood back, and thought that there was some kind of missing touch.
All at once, I realized what I wanted to place in our vignette to make it complete...
We live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania..also known as "The Christmas City", and with good reason!
High up on the mountain on the south side of our town, a large moravian star is lit year round..
Do you see it?
Road signs in our town guide bus loads of tourists to "follow the star to Bethlehem attractions" every December.
We are home to unique shopping, beautiful churches, and a gorgeous historic district.
I so love our little town!
It only made sense to add a Moravian star to our winter scene, as we are still in the Epiphany season (which I am learning more and more about...thanks to the wonderful Episcopalian church I have recently started attending. It has been glorious. My heart is so glad and filled with love, joy and hope!)
I found a Moravian star cookie cutter at The Moravian Book Shop, the oldest continually operating bookstore in the country, founded in 1745. (It is 5 minutes down the road from us!)
While I used it to craft our "Star of Wonder", I also couldn't resist making a beeswax impression for us to enjoy.

There is so much for me to be thankful for....thus far, 2011 has been a dazzling year...full of growth, acceptance, guidance, and appreciation. I am enjoying every second; knowing that there is more joy to surely come!
*our Moravian Star hung from our porch....you see a lot of them in our area!*
For the rest of the week, we will relax and do very little except enjoy each other and our beautiful, snow covered little town:)
p.s- Is anyone interested in swapping beeswax impressions?


  1. Simply beautiful post. I am so impressed with the photos, ideas, and thought.

    Your home is lovely.


  2. I really enjoyed experiencing your town and this special time of the year through your blog post! It looks like a beautiful place to live. I love all of your stars.

  3. what a beautiful place to call home:) Your bees wax impresions look g

  4. Your blog is filled with such sweetness! Really lovely... And your description of your town really makes me want to visit, sounds amazing.

  5. Oh what a beautiful place you live in!

  6. What a lovely winter table and beautiful town. I'm sure you are constantly finding some new nook and cranny there that you didn't know existed before! Isn't it amazing how warm something can look even in the cold?!

  7. Such a magical town and home!
    (I mailed your book today at our Post Office field trip!)

  8. Bethlehem sounds like a wonderful town. As a reader, I would love to visit America's oldest bookstore. Your beeswax crafts are lovely.

  9. What a great post- I had no idea about your Chistmas town- the bees wax star is beautiful- it looks like you are enjoying the winter wonderland- stay warm and have a fabulous weekend!

  10. There is really cold. I love your jars, your cookies, your home :D

    Thanks for stopping by

  11. So many lovely images, thank you for sharing : )

  12. We thoroughly enjoy visiting Bethlehem as often as possible! The Moravian stars are so lovely especially lit hanging above the front door. I have yet to figure out how to make one out of paper. Thanks for sharing your home and your lovely town.

  13. What a beautiful place, thanks for sharing!
    It is expected to be 40 degrees (C) here tomorrow, I believe that is 104 (F)!

  14. Oh Hi! Fancy living in a Christmas town! How lovely:) Well, I've just spent wayyyyyy too long devouring your fab blog. I love all your pics & quotes. have you ever had an archetype of your personality done - I suspect you're both a writer and a seeker like me (but I'm no authority on it!) I was especially interested in learning more about you - and I'm happy you have found so much scope for creative expression within the Steiner movement. I have a double degree in education (early childhood) & science (environmental science). I've been told I'd be irreplaceable in a Steiner school... I am just hanging on by a thread in a long daycare centre so we shall see.... Well, I'm just to thrilled to 'meet' another bloggy 'friend' - on the other side of the world. I shall visit lots! You can visit my daughter & I at my little clown blog @ http://louandjane.blogspot.com/ All the best, Janexx

  15. GORGEOUS beeswax goodies! Tips on making them?

  16. What a wonderful tour. Thank you.

  17. Your town looks brilliant. It is so strange for someone like me from the UK to get my head around the huge differences between the different US states. I am so used to seeing pics from Georgia and Carolina where friends familys live, and they all seem so spread out and heartless, but Bethlehem looks familiar. More like an English town with a real 'centre'. Maybe because it is so old it has a different feel to it.
    I love the sound of living in a Christmas town. My favourite time of year.

  18. You live in such a beautiful little town! I love the stars, both on your porch and your nature table.

  19. What a delightful post. I love the season table too; simply and elegantly done.


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