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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring and the sickies....

Ah yes.
I am now joining nearly all the loved ones around me in a good ol' Spring cold.
Yes, complete with a dreadful runny nose, sinus pressure, and a persistent cough.
Little W caught his Spring cold last Sunday and ran a strong fever for a night.
He was burning up next to me like a little oven!
In lieu of antibiotics or OTC medication, we used cold compresses, eucalyptus oil in a steamy shower, and many, many nursing sessions. A spoon full of honey before bedtime calmed his cough considerably.

This beautiful illustration in a book I am sure many of you love sums it all up well!
Now that W and Daddy are on the mend, it is my turn!
I purchased this wreath at a Holiday Bazaar last year..it is a "sick room" wreath made from horehound and other dried herbs. It's going in my simmer pot this afternoon.
After W was feeling better, we played outside and took long walks to marvel at the budding Springtime...
The world is waking up!
..wishing you all good and strong health!


  1. Oh dear! Even the bugs like the warm spring weather.
    Sounds like you are talking good care of yourself though, get better soon.

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! I am following your blog quite some time now and have seen you develop yourself more and more. I have a deep respect for the path you (and your family)are going (being a waldorf teacher myself). I wish you love, light and peace!

  3. What a caring mommy you are! So glad to hear you were able to get out for some fresh air and Spring beauty. The 'sick room' wreath is lovely... what are the other herbs and how is it used?

  4. so glad your cough remedies worked for your little sweetie. i was using many of the same and then some and my little guy still developed pneumonia! we are on day four of 104 fever. ick.

    i see you got the book! i still have summer and autumn if you want them. just send me your snail mail addy. LOVE that bird at the top of your post!

    sending you well wishes,

  5. Love your natural remedies! Feel better soon. :)

  6. Oooh I am sorry. Hannah uses natural remedies too (talks about it on her blog.)

    Hey--I wanted to let you know--Hannah is hosting a week of "Bunny's 1st Birthday Give-aways". Be sure to check them out each day!


  7. hope you're feeling better soon!
    what LOVELY pics! love the spring flowers!

  8. Feel better. I find that decaf tea fixes most of our ailments with extra hugs and extra rest, and just this week, we were giving the nightly honey. Take care.

  9. Wishing you all well. I love the idea of the horehound sick room wreath.

  10. Ah yes, we always seem to make it through the winter okay and come March/early April the real sickies begin. . . feel better soon, Mama!
    Oh yes, we love that book. :)

  11. I hope you are feeling much better. Your photos are beautiful!

  12. Such sweet springtime photos. We love the Gerda Muller books, too. Sending well wishes to you!

  13. I hope you guys are feeling better..I remember my mom used to give me lots of honey and lemon and other natural "medicine". I am passing that to my daughter as well!

  14. You know, I read not so long ago that a recent study found buckwheat honey to calm a cough better than OTC medications. :) It seems this time of year gets everyone... We've been experiencing "the sickies" here as well. Hope you feel better soon! xoxoxo

  15. Oh dear, I hope you are on your way to wellness soon! I guess I will be happy we were all so sick in February.
    Sending love and well wishes! xoxo

  16. Beautiful post with such spirit!

    Wishing you good health in your home.

    Namaste, Nicole


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