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Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool's Day Story

April Fool's Day!
One of the earliest recorded origins of this day will set the stage for our stories and puppet shows this Friday..
Taken from All year Round by Ann Druitt
The custom of playing tricks on April Fool's Day goes back more than 200 years...It commemorates the birthday, on April 1, 1752, of Olaf Toyou, the first born son of Hungarian fisher folk.
When Olaf was 6 months old, a violent earthquake struck far out in the Mediterranean. Olaf was sleeping in a cradle slung from the branch of a tree while his mother tended to nets nearby..
The turbulent sea raced up the beach so quickly and quietly that she didn't notice that the waves had carried Olaf away until it was too late...she ran to save her son, but all she found in the cradle was a small fish..
She ran to find her husband, shrieking that their baby was gone! While her back was turned, a second tidal wave miraculously returned the baby to the cradle and retrieved the fish. When the husband inspected the cradle only to find his son, wet, but unharmed, he berated his wife as a fool! She, however, remained convinced that her son had the power to turn himself into a fish at will!
To this day, people in France must beware of turning their backs on April 1st....they may later discover a paper fish pinned to their jacket and realize with embarrassment that they have become the 'Poisson d'Avril'...
('April Fish')

yes, that is a cleaned out avocado for the cradle!
I am excited to present this story to the children...

Our homecare program is going well; I am enjoying myself so very much.
Kind of silly, but I sat in the kitchen yesterday, drying dishes with the children, and I thought to myself..."This is the life!" The afternoon sun was streaming through the windows and I just couldn't think of a more perfect place in the world for myself.
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oiling wooden bowls
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  1. Thank you for the story, I had never heard it before. I'll be sure to share it with my girls and childcare babes tomorrow.

  2. Great story, thanks for sharing, cheers Marie

  3. I love that story. Much ammusement was had here last April 1st when I told a room of Dads about the risk of getting a paper fish pinned to them, and the 'realising with embarrasment that they have become the 'Poisson D'Avril'!

    Sounds like you are finding heaven in all the right places.

  4. What a great story! I'm sure my kids would get a kick out of it. I may have to look at our little figures and toy food (we have a wooden fish there) and tell them the story too. I love the avocado cradle!

  5. What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing. :) The photos of your homecare program look so peaceful and lovely!

  6. Great story! I love the avocado cradle! And so awesome that you're loving your work.

  7. We LOVE traditional myths and tales here and this is one I've never heard! Looking forward to sharing it with my little bear tomorrow.

  8. Oh, not silly at all -- that IS the life! Lucky children. Lucky mama.

    Beautiful photos.

  9. Hi Rebecca, yes, we are starting a Steiner school! Sooooo exciting. It'll be a kindergarten this year up to 7, then we are adding a lower school on next year up to 11. Its all very hectic but exciting. Check out the Bluebell blog link from my home page. There is far more info on there. xx

  10. My mom used to do the fish thing to us when we were kids. I believe my earliest April Fool's memory is when I was in kindergarten. I stuck a paper fish to the back of my teacher and several of my friends. They were all very confused when I yelled "Poisson d'Avril" and laughed hysterically. :)

  11. A fun story and I love the photos of a floor strewn with toys and busy children (a sure sign of good play!)

  12. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog! I just took a spin around your warm, beautiful place here. So lovely! I especially love your swap idea! I will keep my eyes open for things on your list :-). And I love the avocado cradle!! :-)

  13. Are you following any sort of curriculum for your play school at home program?

  14. What a funny story -- and you have displayed it so well!

    I love your photos of the kids at work and play!


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