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Friday, November 5, 2010

Growing a Green School

This afternoon, we took a tour of a "Green" charter school in a neighboring town..
This past summer, I joined approx. 20 other "founding member" families in beginning work to open another "green" charter school in our town...
We toured this existing "sister"school to ignite ideas....
Thus far, an amazing process; full of questions and possibilities.....
What will be taught at this school?
I am serving as co-chair for the curriculum committee; explaining the beauty and magic of Waldorf Education to our group....
Many aspects could fit into our visioning very easily...
However, charter schools are still public schools....so standards must be met, and tests will be taken.
Creative teachers are a must...
It's been amazing to watch a school grow from a few unifying ideas...
"Teach students the importance of environmental sustainability by utilizing local and natural surroundings for instruction."
"Implement a rigorous interdisciplinary learning approach that is hands-on, project driven, and inquiry based"
Patches from a large quilt constructed by the founding members
"Inspire imagination & expression with a progressive creative arts program"

"Promote healthy living through nutritional awareness, gardening, and routine outdoor exercise"
"Encourage strong family and community involvement"
"Respect and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual"
Where will this journey lead us?
Will we be approved and open our doors in 2 years?
Only time will tell!

"Now I truly believe that we in this generation must come to terms with nature, and I think we're challenged, as mankind has never been challenged before, to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature but of ourselves."

Rachel Carson, author, Silent Spring


  1. There's a waldorf charter school here in anchorage!
    Here's a link if you're interested... http://www.winterberryschool.com/learn_more.html

    Good luck! :)

  2. oh my goodness ! how lovely... i am in tears right now... what an amazing and exciting thing to be part of... it is my dream one to open a community play school and daycare that is green! My husband and i are hoping in the next 3 years my little daycare at home will be moving into a building of it's own... lots of light coming from me to you! I will think of you often and send you positive thoughts !
    light and peace

  3. ^^thanks for sharing, Kelsey....
    It seems that they really have incorporated so much of the philosophy, while still adhering to standards...which I am sure isn't easy...their facility looks beautiful!!!!
    I have a few parents who would love to start a waldorf charter....but we're already so involved in this project; and we see how much really goes into it. (time, resources, contacts, etc.)....but the idea is so lovely....

  4. good for you!! being a part of a school initiative is hard work! ;) we have one going here, though they have decided not to be a charter school in order to retain autonomy. the next question is, how to make it affordable!

    my greatest contribution to the effort is growing my own little program. we will be a feeder for their grades school. good luck to you in your efforts! i look forward to keeping up with your progress.

  5. this is great! how cool that you get to be a founding family and can start the process long before your son ever goes to school. we had a charter school open in the district where i taught and it takes a couple of years to work the kinks out. i just think it's exciting for you to be a part of this with your passion for waldorf and your aspirations to be a teacher. maybe you can be the handworks teacher one day!

  6. What a delightful opportunity for you to be apart of, you must be filled with such Joy and happiness. They journey will be so interesting.

    Have a beautiful day. xxx

  7. What a wonderful journey to be a part of and how lucky for those you work with.

    Beautiful photo's - I especially love the photo of the rain boots.

    Last year my daughter attended a Waldorf-inspired preschool - and they had this wonderful program to get the children outside everyday no matter what the weather. For 25$ you rented rain gear (boots, pants, jacket, hat) and also winter gear...this gear stayed at the school at all times. No excuses of children not properly dressed for the outdoors.
    As the Norwegian saying goes...there is no such thing as bad weather - just bad clothes.

    Beautiful post.


  8. Such exciting possibilities eager to leap into being. And the beautiful thing about possibilites is how they grow ever more possibilities. Blessings to you on this journey...

  9. What an exciting thing to be a part of! We've got some great public charter schools where I live, but they are all highly sought after and students are chosen by lottery. Hundreds are turned away. Just goes to show that there is real demand for alternatives to traditional schools.

  10. I'm so impressed. My best wishes to you!

  11. Wow, can you come down here, and start a school for my little one please???

  12. way cool! So exciting. And I LOVE the Norwegian saying above, guess this is really my motto. Outdoor gear/clothes comes before all else for my family as well as the daycare children I watch. I also love Penelope Leache's saying
    - children should start and end the day clean. learning is dirty work.

  13. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love this about the Green Charter school. I am finishing my MA in education and have been having thoughts of charter schools. I just read a wonderful article about unplugged schools. Very very inspiring.

  14. What an amazing endeavour, good luck with it all it looks like it will be amazing!

  15. Beautiful. It would be my dream to find a school such as this for my children.

    You would enjoy Tal Birdsey's book A Room for Learning. His isn't a "green" school per se, and it's a middle/high school, but his story is incredibly inspiring.


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