About Me

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Hair

I'm always looking for a quick way to get my sweaty, summer hair out of my face...enter: 8 pack of metal snap barrettes and overflowing basket full of fabric and ribbon scraps...
Using some heavy duty glue, I adhered the fabric/ribbon to the barrette, allowed time to dry, and trimmed around the edges. Needlefelted embellishments spruced them up a bit!
A birthday gift for my inspirational mother's 50th birthday, today. Happy Birthday, Mama!

'Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there, hair, shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy...'-The broadway musical (and my personal favorite) HAIR


  1. This is such a great idea! I also like the head scarf you're wearing in the picture. :)

  2. oh...he he...that's my mama.... :) but I gave her that head scarf! Ha, ha!!

  3. They are gorgeous clips. Might need to make some for my girls!!!

  4. So happy to have found your space! LOVE those barrettes...so simple and yet the result is just stunning!
    ps...your mom looks amazing!!!
    xoxox maureen

  5. And here is me, having short hair for no other reason than it is too much of a hassle to grow it out. Actually, my hair is thick and curly and it gets so heavy and hot when it is longer. Truth be told, I have always longed for long hair but have never had it once in my life. Now I think I am way to old to grow it out. 45. Is that too old for long flowing hair?

  6. Cute barettes! Thanks for stopping by my blog!



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