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Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Merry Month of May and giveaway winner!

Is there another month quite like May?
The promises of Summer, the increasing sunshine, the movement of nearly any and every activity to the outdoors! It's an exciting time, and we've been enjoying it thoroughly....

Mayfaire, Kimberton Waldorf School
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

 The Kingsessing Morris Men
...Wesley was a huge fan, and was even offered one of the dancer's handkerchiefs to dance with!

..We ended our day with a boat race, and somehow managed to find ours at the finish line!

Mayfaire, River Valley Waldorf School
Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania

..learning to balance..

 This was such a beautiful festival, full of great music, activities, and delicious food.
The weather was overcast and chilly, but all of the obvious thought put into this event left me feeling warm!
After all, what's the month of May without those sweet rain showers and ominous clouds?

 We visited The Pocket Fairy, who opened her cloak to magically reveal pockets full of trinkets for the taking!

W received felted soaps, bracelets, glass jewels, and spring butterflies....
"Butterfly!", he said, for the first time!

White Coral bells, 
upon a slender stalk...
Lilies of the Valley deck my garden walk....

Oh, don't you wish that you could hear them ring?
..that will only happen when the fairies sing!

.....I don't know of any other smell that captures the essence of Spring quite like a Lily of the Valley....

Congratulations to our Magic Fairy Wool giveaway winner, 

Huzzah! I'm so happy for you, Stacy!
Please contact me to claim your spot in the class!
I'll "see" you there:)

Also, the play I was in this past weekend was a beautiful success. 
I enjoyed every moment.
Photos and birth story to follow.
I'm still decompressing!


  1. Those look like magical May Faires! It's fun to see how the different schools celebrate the month of May! We went down to the one at our old school this year and had such a lovely time!


  2. Congrats on your play! Looks like a beautiful festival! Ah, how I wish we were near a Waldorf school!


  3. Amazing!! Thank you so much : )

    I love the May festivties too and the Pocket Fairy is a genius idea.

  4. Congrats on your play performance! Glad to hear it was successful. The Mayfaire looks lovely and I love the cape of the Pocket Fairy.

  5. What a magical celebration! I especially love the sail boats.

  6. Last weekedn we enjoyed the Mayfestival at our local waldorf school too...it is such a wonderful enviroment.



  7. The pictures of the festival look wonderfull! You could only wish to have been there..
    Congratiolations Stacey, i'm curious what it'll be like!
    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  8. Oh how fun! I love how similar the faires are even on different coasts ;) Never stop sharing, please!

  9. How enchanting! Thank you for sharing these sweet photos... the Pocket Fairy was my favorite!


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