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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Playschool Reflections

Yesterday was the first official day of my playschool child care group...
I began mapping out details for this in-home program last November, started searching for interested families in mid December, and now, mid March, I am happy and thankful to welcome a brother and sister into our home on Wednesdays and Fridays.
It was a beautiful day, full of creativity, songs, tenderness, and a few tears when mommy left for the day.
Some of my reflections:
Singing and a soft tone works
I had too good of a time (softly) bursting into seasonal songs throughout our day. Anytime I wanted the children to pay close attention to something I was doing, I'd sing a song. It caught on, and I saw them actively listening to the lyrics. A soft tone of voice is an invitation to listen closely.
Imaginative play rules the day
I was thrilled to sit back and watch these tiny imaginations unfold throughout the day. Listening to a child sing a made up song, put on a puppet show, or talk to themselves while engaging in independent play is like a small glimpse into their soul. Already I feel like I have learned so much about these children and their emotions, likes and dislikes, and comfort levels just by quietly observing.
I don't care for an abundance of toys (even open ended toys), but a puppet theatre, some handmade dolls, and playsilks of different sizes were the foundation of many, many vignettes yesterday.
This large blue silk was an ocean full of seashells and sand...
Of course.
We hear this term all the time in Waldorf circles...it really is the driving force of life. It is how children feel safe and confident. Adding small and thoughtful details to your daily rhythm helps a child know what is coming next.
The children set our table with placemats (pictured above were a fantastic thrift store find...), napkins, bowls, and utensils....Not only is this a meaningful task, but it also helps us in transitioning to snack or lunch time.
Snuffing out our mealtime candle, clearing the table, and helping each other wash dishes in a large plastic bin is closure to snack or lunch time.
Our rhythm is brand new at this time....
soon it will be the guide to our day!
This was the highlight of my day. This is where I feel like I can really spread my wings and fly.
I am following the advice of a wonderful Waldorf Early Childhood teacher I am observing this Spring; I will unfold one story per week, build on it somewhat, and repeat it. Beautiful and imaginative stories lose their magic when they are told to very young children just once. It makes sense to revisit the tale again....do you recall a time when you read the same book over and over again? I still do sometimes; with good reason!
Silks set the stage, provide a great backdrop, and enable characters in a story to emerge and hide...

I won't feature many photos of our playschool days in this space, due to respecting the privacy of this lovely family. However, stay tuned for some of our crafts and story outlines:)
Thanks for reading, loves. I wish you all joy and peace always!


  1. Dear Rebecca,
    I Love the concept of having other children in your home.
    The best play days in our home are the imaginative ones. I love these days with the children

  2. "I don't care for an abundance of toys (even open ended toys)..."

    Sadly it took me nearly a decade to realize the wisdom in this. It's so very important though. I think to some extent my older daughter was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of toys in our home.

    Your play school looks lovely.

  3. oh Rebecca, how lovely this space you have created. days full of imaginative
    play are the best.


  4. I'm so glad your first day, with these lovely children, went well. You have set up such a beautiful environment. I'm sure they will enjoy their time with you. I'm looking forward to seeing the craft projects and reading the stories.

  5. What a beautiful day. I love it when the neighborhood children come to visit. The walls resonate and shine with their laughter and bright smiles long after they leave. Take care.

  6. How very exciting! You and the children will learn so much from each other, being a teacher (in any form) is a great blessing!

    I love your note about story telling. We are a book worm family and my daughter would gladly read books all day, even at two, so we hadn't done much story telling until recently, out of desperation at bed time, I pulled some classics out of the back of my mind and she loved it! She asks for the three little pigs all the time now, and it changes a little bit from time to time, but I love that as it can adapt to be long or short, whatever she needs it to be that telling.

    Sorry for the long comment, look forward to future posts about your play school!

  7. Sounds like a lovely day! I look forward to hearing more about it.

  8. Looks like a lovely and inviting space.

  9. So glad to see you finally realizing your dream!

  10. It sounds like you all had a lovely day. You've created a beautiful space and atmosphere for the children in your home. :)

  11. congratulations, love!! how wonderful that these sweet children get to spend their days with you!

  12. I'd like to come and be looked after by you! Any vacancies for a 36 year old mother of two to join the fun?

  13. I'm so happy for you! It sounds like these children are very lucky, to have such a wonderful place to come and play. I agree with the need to tell a story over and over again small children. I didn't learn that soon enough, and wished that I did.

  14. These children have such a thoughtful place to come and play! You are doing it! Beautiful.

  15. Oh, how wonderful. Looks like the perfect day. We are in the process of moving. Playsilks and dolls have been kept out and used so frequently. Nothing can encourage the imagination like a beautiful colorful playsilk.
    :-) I'm so glad you are enjoying your work too!

  16. wow, your playschool looks magical! Great to hear that your first day went well

  17. I know that this has been a dream so close to your heart, very happy for you as you continue your magical journey! xoxox

  18. Congratulations! Your playschool sounds absolutely lovely. I'm so glad the first day went well!

  19. Congratulations -- what a fantastic day -- and made more special by realizing an important goal!!


  20. Well done..Congratulations.. The setting looks absolutely fantastic... full of little fairies. Good luck for the future. I have opened my own preschool classroom 3 years ago and I have to say that bogging has opened a new dimension to the way I teach, think and play with the children. Well done again!!

  21. Looks to be a lovely beginning. I'd love to hear more about the stories you choose and the ways you discover to expand them.

  22. Hello Lovely Rebecca, even though I don't visit blogs too often, because I really don't have the time,, when I do I so thoroughly love to see your progress in your waldorfy journey.. It all reminds me of when my boys were little and I to was exploring Waldorf. How wonderful for you. Your home looks so warm and precious. Congratulations on all you have done.

  23. Oh, how I wish we lived closer! Rowan would love your playschool!


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