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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Busy Hands...

Hands have been busy..
A Crayon holder for W, made from a thick tree branch and the ever handy hole drill...
Strawberry cupcakes for Daddy's birthday!
Springtime housekeeping rhythm..
Amidst our busy week, I was able to observe a full morning of preschool at our local Waldorf school yesterday.
I hope to observe a few more mornings before the school year is over. I returned home feeling relaxed and even more enthusiastic to incorporate aspects into my parenting and every day life. (not to mention realizing over again that this is the setting I hope to be a part of one day very soon!)
Voices are soft and melodic.
Little hands discover, help one another, and clasp together to form a ring.
The children are touched in a curative way. This is not commonplace in schools today, and children are missing out on this experience...to be touched lovingly by a caregiver. I am not referring to hugging or the sort...more so, holding a hand that is straying from focus, stroking the back of a frustrated little one, leading a child back to an activity...
It was a wonderful morning...
Daddy and W, beach vacation 2010

This weekend, we celebrate Daddy's 29th birthday...we are both officially on our way to 30!
And it feels awesome!

Daddy is flying through the air after jumping off the swingset....
I love you, Papa!


  1. Looks like a beautiful school! I am with you there. I would love to be apart of a school. None around here. So Waldorf inspired home school it is. I'm loving it!

  2. I LOVE the sweet little glimpses into your day, your life...my day today has been totally chaotic...flooded basement, ballet recital, bedroom reno...this sweet little glimpse has calmed my spirit...thank you!
    xo maureen

  3. The crayon holder is great! I need one of those drills! We certainly have our fair share of branches lying around, just begging to be made into something beautiful. Happy Birthday to your man!

  4. lovely crayon holder and lovely pictures!

  5. Glorious. I love all the things your busy hands have been creating. So excited about your new career!

  6. You captivate me with every post! and you are so right about the lost art of touch.

    Namaste, Nicole

  7. I just love the way you make this all seem easy! I check your blog often and it is so inspirational. Your family is lovely and I hope to integrate some of your crafting ideas!!!! Keep up the good work. :)

  8. Great action shot at the end there! Joy!

  9. Oh so may beautiful things!!! Thank you for always sharing!

  10. hi dear, forgot to mention to you that you are welcome to take photos in my classroom, when the kiddos aren't in there :) and I also need to mail you a check for the stackable toy! hope you have a lovely week! <3 Diana

  11. I see the Children's book of virtues on your shelf which I recently snagged at a local thrift store. My kids have been eating it up! what a great way to introduce these character traits...

  12. The crayon holder is fabulous! I actually made something very similar (but with a sculptural element) about a month ago with my son. He is two and loves taking his markers and paintbrushes in and out of their holder almost more than he likes using them to create. You can check out our version here...


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