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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Repurposing a Christmas Tree

The worst part of January is putting away all of the beautiful Christmas decorations, don't you think?
This year, I wrote myself little notes and put them inside the decoration boxes to keep myself in the best of spirits.
Never the less, I am enjoying January like I never thought I would..the beautiful sunsets, the glimmer of ice, the slow days at home...
Our Christmas tree was slated to sit outside on the curb for the garbage men to haul away.
How sad! And what a waste!
I'd love to experiment with a potted tree next year, but there is just something about the grandeur of bringing in a tree, watering it, loving it...
This year, we decided to keep our tree with us in one way or another.
Let's repurpose our tree!
Carefully cut away the branches and expose the trunk.
Find a willing partner to hold the trunk steady as you cut it into thick or thin cakes..
With the help of a wood burning pen (fun to use and inexpensive at your local craft store!), the wood cakes become play money...blocks...strung about for seasonal decor..

thick cakes can be used as a candle holder (with the help of a hole drill bit)..
Sorry, it's hard to see because our most recent mealtime candle is nearly a puddle!
How am I going to get that out?
I'm hoping this becomes a tradition for our family..
Now our tree will be with us always!


  1. i love this, i was just looking out to the garden where our poor, old tree is thinking 'what should I do with you...' well, now I now. I was thinking too of using the branches to make a screen in a corner of the garden for the kids to discover as a den.
    great inspiration thanks x

  2. Great idea for repurposing your tree and decorating for winter! Here's what my winter decorating has been like -- homemade wreaths! (And there's more to come, too.)


  3. we have also made tree ornaments for the following year --from our repurposed trees!
    what fun --- good for you
    light and peace

  4. Love this idea! And the garlands you made are pretty fantastic. ;-)

  5. great idea! i need one of those little wood burning tools now...

  6. Beautiful ideas Rebecca! I love your garland, great inspiration!

  7. Oh my I don't know why I didn't do this earlier. I have been hankering for some wooden discs like that thinking where will I find some wood. Well it's in our front yard ready to be recycled by the town. Well they are not getting the whole tree. I wonder how fast I can cut it up! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Love the woodcake idea especially. I too got everything out of our christmas tree last year: we cut the branches at the bottom and used them over new plants for protection against frost and hail. The tree itself was placed in the middle of the garden whenever we had snow: I hung birdfood in it. So lovely to see the birds seeking shelter in and under the tree and finding food to get by during winter. The last of the tree was eventually burned in a nice fire during a summer night when we had my mother and brother over!
    I must try the wood burning pen tip! Thanks! My boys will love it! (they would make nice medals as well!)

  9. This is so great!! You are so very inspirational.

  10. What a great way to re-purpose the tree! Very clever! I also like that you left yourself notes in the decoration boxes. :)

  11. I love this idea and it's such a good time of year to create new out of old! Thanks for sharing this!

  12. This is a wonderful idea. I wonder if you know Hans Christian Anderson's story about the little fir tree? It's so sad. It would have had a much happier ending if its owners at christmas time had thought to make such beautiful things as you. I love your garland especially!

  13. That is a wonderful idea! This past tree of ours has gone, but I think i can see next years becomming a set of those wonderful blocks I see so often.Thankyou for the idea.

  14. Why didn't I think of that sooner, I have thos cakes all over the place, but never linked it to my christmas tree. It's too late for this year but certainly not for the ones to come!

  15. I really love this idea, and it comes at a perfect time, since I have our tree right outside our kitchen window, and I was trying to think of what to do with it. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  16. What a lovely ideas - I particularly love the garlands. So good that the christmas tree is getting a new lease of life. xxx

  17. really a super idea! We have a bunch of small circle cuttings off the bottom that I was planning on stringing up, now I'm going to write a greeting on them, so thank you very much! Now I just have to get around to it before next year... Or maybe I could pack it away and have it be a sort of craft before we get next years tree? I LOVE the candle holder idea. Definitely want to remember that for next year. Maybe you could repost this next year to remind me?

  18. I love this! So many ways to keep enjoying your christmas tree

  19. Lovely ideas! We did the same thing last year:


    This year our tree died very early on, and I was just excited to get it out of the house.

    I found your blog through Rhythm of the Home, and I'm so excited to peek through previous posts :).

  20. I just found your blog...its magical!
    Deb x

  21. i gave you a blog award today ... light and peace to you


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