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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yarn Along and Martinmas prep.

As inspired by the lovely Ginny at Small Things...
I've kicked it into full Christmas elf gear these past couple of days...
How are the weeks sneaking past me?
The "Fear of Commitment Cowl" for a dear cousin...
Forever reading, referencing, and loving Heaven On Earth by Sharifa Oppenheimer...
Craving the wisdom of Mothering Your Nursing Toddler
(we've been dealing with some night terrors lately...advice?)
Growing accustomed to the fading light of the late afternoon...
Preparing for a belated Martinmas Lantern Walk with some friends this coming Monday evening...
Simple and beautiful lanterns...
Enjoying unseasonably warm afternoons....


Golden light is turning grey,
Mists begin to rule the day.
Bare the trees, their branches lift;
Clouds of dead leaves earthward drift....


  1. I kept Mothering Your Nursing Toddler close by when my daughter was young. Im going to look into Heaven on Earth, it looks very interesting.
    Your cowl looks so cozy & I love the rich colour.

  2. Deep below, deep below new life will Spring...

    We have been reciting. Just glued our lanterns, enjoying the same warm weather and wishing we were neighbors.

    Tell more about those beautiful music instruments.

    Namaste, Nicole

  3. Poor little W. Noah will have those every now and then. Cami too, but hers normally is because she forgot to go the bathroom before she went to bed. I don't know if I have any advice that you aren't already doing. Night lights, hug them close, sing to them.

    Oh, I love your lanterns. I think we need a couple of these. :-) I'm also in full Christmas creating gear. Its so fun to think and plan what to give to all my family. I love it, especially incorporating handmade love.

  4. I've got no wise words about the night terrors. I've only experienced one and they are scary so I really feel for you. Hopefully it's just a short lived phase.

  5. I love the lanterns that you made! Gorgeous!

  6. Beatrix had a few episodes of night terrors when she was younger. It seemed to happen on nights when she was over tired. She's never been a good sleeper, but we are working on that!
    Your cowl is beautiful!

  7. I love the lanterns and his beautiful sweeter!!

  8. your knitting looks great, look forward to sein the finished cowl. Love the tin can lanters! W looks like hes having fun in the garden

  9. We used herbal dream pillows for our littles when ever they had night terrors and it always seemed to help. If you are interested I will find my book with the recipe for you. I loved seeing all your instruments out just waiting for a song.

  10. I remember that book so well, I devoured that and another one by Sheila Kiplinger that I can't quite remember. The days when The Nurturing Parent was available and really fed me and helped me so much (I still have every copy, 18 years later).
    The cowl is beautiful!

  11. hey little elf! i'm glad you joined up on this yarn along... : ) so.. my little E has had some night terrors and just had one last week. he was over stimulated that day with a playdate on the beach with 3 of his friends. he does best with one friend i find. anyways... that's not the point - you want advice. the way i had to deal with this was by waking him. he wouldn't be comforted by cuddles from me or daddy (we share a bed - always have) nor would he nurse. so - i woke him up and then finally was able to nurse him. it took a long time to get him back to sleep though. i had to nurse him and then cradle him in my arms. when i would let go he would startle awake again. after a couple of hours he finally fell back asleep after i told him a sweet little story about the pontypines (little forest elves from a show - not totally waldorf of me i know...) i think you just have to ride them out. i love 'heaven on earth' too and i read the book about nursing toddlers but with a different cover picture. maybe it was a different title. well, here i am still nursing my almost 4 year old. but, he only nurses to sleep and sometimes in the morning. i am hoping he will wean himself when we become pregnant with our next child...

  12. Oh, I loved my copy of Your Nursing Toddler. Now I'm on baby no. 3 and he will probably nurse the longest of all of them, as I nursed well into my pregnancies with the others, but eventually weaned. And I love all the music-making happening over there! Good times!
    xo Jules

  13. I love your simple lanterns~ they are really lovely. And that little guy of yours sure is a cutie!

  14. I have both those books, they are favorites of mine. are you talking of night terror dreams or the nightmare of a waking nursing baby.

    Sometimes dreams can be from too much stimulation in the day.. and a waking baby,, well I had that for many years, the joys of motherhood.. Sania still wakes to go to the restroom or for water. xxx

  15. Beautiful post. New follower of your blog :-)

  16. Your Photo's are filled with such a lovely golden autumn glow. Have a blessed day and I hope those night terrors pass quickly. Take care.

  17. I'm a new reader and am really enjoying your blog! I am wondering what tool you used to punch your cans with holes... I'd love to try my hand at that!

  18. I love your lanterns.
    Beautiful post.


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