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Thursday, October 7, 2010

WIP and Corners of our autumn home

Brrrrr....the temperature has dropped here considerably! I am once again reaching for my cozy slippers and warm blankets! What to do?
....Rip up the old carpeting in our family room!?
Wait, wait.....!! This will make our home even more chilly!! Yes, but a small price to pay for the pleasure of getting rid of a 20 year old stained, smelly carpet! The stuff is disgusting! Who ever thought to cover beautiful hardwood flooring with a "dirt trap" was insane!
We are enjoying the renewed energy...the warm tones of the wood, the newly discovered "echo" in the room, the delightful sound of footsteps, the creaking of the floorboards...why didn't we do this sooner?!
Our autumn table, scattered with freshly fallen leaves....a simple and free way to decorate your home!
pinecone garland
Hello, rhythm....

W's play/learning room....this has been a WIP for a long time...it is finally where we want it to be...just waiting for some local sheep to grow their fluffy coats back for a few lambskins..after they've been used for meat and etc., of course!
My newest quickly finished project....a simple and cozy hat for W made from a beautiful yarn that I recently swapped! I've started using the harmony wood interchangeable needles from Knit Picks....they are pure, slick goodness!
From the porch, Love from our family to yours!


  1. Your floor is beautiful! Like you, I also don't know why anyone would cover it up. I also love the canopy in the learning room. When we have a house, I'd love to do a reading corner for my kids with one and lots and lots of pillows.

    Your post made me realize I need to try and slow down a bit and find our rhythm again, as I find I've been scattered all over the place. Thanks for reminding me.
    Stephanie xx

  2. The floor looks great! I agree, I really can't understand covering gorgeous hardwood with carpet. Yuck! My inlaws recently ripped up a bunch to uncover their hardwood, always worth it!

    I love this sneak peek into your home... lovely!

  3. Your hardwood floor is beautiful! I'm glad you're enjoying the fruits of your labor. Can't wait to see it in person!

  4. Gorgeous wood floors, nothing beats wood- especially not old carpeting laden with who knows what!
    I love your baby's room, it's heavenly and peaceful. I have been dreaming up ideas for my boys' room (age 3 and 6). Wish I could have a lovely canopy like yours but our 2 cats find them SO fun to try and climb. . .;)

  5. I love that picture of Wesley. It's hard to believe he's walking!!!!!!!!!!! Such a cutie pie. Can't wait to see him again!

  6. So much beauty. I love your fall rhythm. Your playroom is great. I like the idea of a canopy like yours in there. Both of my kids would just love it. It seems like such a great place to hide and giggle and have fun. Such a sweet little hat for Wesley!

  7. I am always amazed at how many homes have covered wooden floors! It looks so lovely.

  8. A sweet and loving home, steeped in beauty! Thank you for sharing the photos. LOVE W's special place to play and explore... I want a cloud to hide inside and read the day away!

  9. I have to say, I did laugh at your Sunday rhythm: "Daddy watches football." How true. <3

  10. I love your fall rhythm. We are doing that too. The floors are lovely. I don't get carpet either, especially over hardwood floors. A couple of throw rugs or rag rugs could solve the chilly problem. I think SouleMama has some great instructions on rag rugs though that may take a while.
    Oh and your babe is so beautiful and happy! Be well, Angela

  11. Wow! You're blog is so beautiful and inspiring!!!

  12. Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us! W's hat is too cute, and such great fall colors!

  13. great pinecone garland! What a wonderful idea to dress up your fireplace.

  14. Ahhh...I can't see your photos! From the other comments, I gather it's something to do with my computer, since everyone else seems see them just fine. I'll keep checking back to see if something changes. Ripping out old carpet in favor of wood floors feels great. We've done that in every house we've lived in.

  15. Beautiful pictures, love the floorboards, I would love to do that (unfortunately we live on a "slab")

    P.S. Visiting from magic onions :)

  16. gorgeous wooden floor! your home is looking just beautiful. How exciting that your trying for another baby and starting up a waldorf inspired preschool! Will you have all four year olds in your preschool or children of different ages (just wondering as preschool means different things in different countries) I cant wait to hear all about it!

  17. What a beautiful blog! I just discovered your blog after seeing your post at www.watkinseveryflavorbean.blogspot.com (one of my favorites). I will definitely be a frequent visitor!

  18. Such a beautiful autumn home! I love how your photos even have a warm autumn-coloured cast to them. I've been scheming about an autumny garland, and yours is inspiring! I hadn't thought of adding ribbon or fabric.

    Your wood floors are gorgeous! It *is* a challenge to understand how someone would want them covered up.

    Happy weekending...

  19. Wood floors are wonderful, I love all your cozy autumn goodness here, but most of all I am excited to see your rocking horse! We have one too! Made by my "Grandpa George" when he was nearly 90 years old, it was a gift for us when my first daughter was born. I am feeling sad that it is put away now (but we had it out for about 9 years and really just don't have the space for it right now.) Thank you for the happy memory!

  20. Your wooden floors are beautiful, soft those the feet. Our new homes have concrete/tirazzo and it's not warm at all. My husband put corking on our floor in our airstream RV so we are enjoying that at the moment until return to our farm next week! I love all your earthy autumn tones, enjoy your beautiful seasons. We are very hot at the moment camping in the Arizona desert.

  21. Beautiful floors. My last tree house apartment had beautiful wooden floors and I loved it. Right now in my house we have terrazzo flooring. I really don't like it, makes the house feel cold and hollow. I miss my wood floors, but since we rent we can't not do anything about it.

    We are still trying to find our "rhythm" haha. I think I will be forever looking for it. Might be behind the couch.

  22. Such a warm and cozy look. OMG... what a shame to have covered those floors. We have no carpet in our house, and I NEVER miss it. We have a few area rugs, but wood floors are so pleasing! I couldn't agree more about the harmony wood needles from Knit Picks. I've had their dpns and single pointed needles for some time, but I just ordered the interchangeables today. I was using metal interchangeable ones and today I finally gave in and ordered the harmony wood. I've never knitted on anything as nice as these before. Enjoy your inside autumn warmth! It is lovely.


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