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Monday, September 20, 2010

Autumn Seasonal Table...and Gnome Fever!!!

It felt refreshing to change over our seasonal table this morning....while some may suffer from the "end of summer blues", I find myself waiting for the chillier weather!
Acorn fever has been running rampant throughout the blogging community...but I am starting to feel like I have come down with a serious case of GNOME FEVER, too! So much inspiration!
Some embroidery floss and tapestry needles are just what I needed! I dug out the little wooden peg men who are anxious for an autumn wardrobe! Pictures to follow soon!


  1. Hooray for fall! I'm so ready for it as well. Your nature table looks great. Inspires me to go collecting so we can set ours up.

  2. Happy Autumn, lovely nature table xx

  3. Autumn is here! Looking forward to seeing your Gnomies.
    Your table is inspiring.

  4. And i´m ready for the spring!!!
    Greetings from Chile.

  5. I like your table, I just put mine up too! x

  6. I LOVE autumn and will never suffer from end of the summer blues!...Your autumn table is lovely...I love how you used the stand in the back...It looks really great...

  7. Fall is my favourite season of all! Your post just made me realize that I neglected our nature plate this summer... time for a revamp!

  8. Such a beautiful table. We are working on ours. Have gone on a few nature hikes... some further than others. Can't wait to see your little gnomes. :-)

  9. Autumn is such an inspirational season. I look forward to being introduced to your gnomes. I'm sure they'll be well-pleased with their beautiful new home :-)

  10. We just changed over our nature table to Spring! Yours looks lovely. If you get a chance to pop over I have passed on an award to you and linked to your lovely blog :)

  11. morning :: send over your email so i can send you the milo soaker...x

  12. Those are going to be so cute! I started a nature table for Levi at the beginning of summer, but in all the renovations it got moved and disassembled. I hope things are sane enough around here soon to make one for autumn.

  13. Hi Rebecca!! Just found your lovely blog via the 'award' list over at Bec's Memory Garden... what a gorgeous blog it is!! I love your ethos and the feel you have created.

    Fall is my favourite season (as my readers know by know - lol) and includes all my most favourite colours and the colours I decorate around my home with all year long. I'm a 'red girl' and must have some red in every room, and love yellow and orange as well. I have an origianl artwork (bought for a steal many years ago) of autumn leaves on my wall, and I love it!

    I'm one of those who gets 'acorn fever' although I probably carry it all year around, as another of my fascinations is oak trees and acorns (also often mentioned on my blog!). When I was little we had a big old oak tree outside my bedroom window, and I spent most of my time up there for several years! I have some lovely little needle felted acorns I bought on Etsy a while ago scattered on one of my shelves at the moment..... love them!

    It's just turned to Spring over here in Australia, so I have a while to wait until Fall graces us again.

    Very pleased to *meet* you!

    Linda. xox

  14. Gorgeous nature table! Can't wait to see your gnomes.

  15. Your little autumn table looks so pretty! I can't wait to see the finished gnomes. :) I love making gnomes.

  16. Hello Rebecca

    I too love Seasonal changes. Setting up the Season table is a firm favorite for me too. Its Spring Equinox for us this week . I look forward to trying your pumpkin oat breakfast..We love gnomes here too. I have quite a collection.

    A happy day to you rebecca
    Warm regards

  17. Good morning,
    We are excited about welcoming autumn up here near the Canadian border as well.
    The beautiful blue skies with the crisp cool air and the gorgeous maple leaves in contrast to the blue - just breath taking.

    We are collecting some treasures from nature to add to our nature shelf.

    I look forward to seeing your gnomes.

    Warm wishes, Tonya

  18. Good morning- your table is lovely and I can't wait to see what you do with these peg people. I paint/clothe this type of wooden person. Such a fun medium. Take care.

  19. What gorgeous nature table! We're still savouring the Summer one over here until next week. Your blog is beautiful and I'm glad I found it!

  20. Your nature table is simultaneously warm and crisp-a little like fall now that I think of it! It's beautiful; thanks for sharing!
    Be well, Angela

  21. Your nature table is BEAUTIFUL! Isn't Autumn wonderful?!

  22. What a lovely table you have... inspiration around every corner and in every nook(along with the gnomes..haha) thanks for sharing
    light and love
    Autumn mama

  23. I'm loving the change from Summer to Autumn. Your table looks full of autumn beauty.

  24. Wow, I really hope you consider selling some of your creations at the craft show in two weeks! You can fill out the vendor form at svfarmersmarket.org - I think people would enjoy what you make.


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