About Me

Friday, August 6, 2010

I am thankful for....

Flower picking with friends...
Cherry pit spitting contest with family...
True love for my little boy....Happy 1st Birthday, my sweet one...

May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
And may your song always be sung
May you stay forever young
~The one and only Bob Dylan


  1. what a beautiful post! i'm so very happy to discover your blog! i feel like i've met a kindred spirit. yay!

  2. How sweet.
    Happy Birthday to your little boy ;)

  3. Such flower-picking sweetness! And that cherry pit spitting photo makes me giggle :-)

    Happy blessed birth*day to you all.

  4. Oh Happy 1st Birthday! Is there any more joyous birthday than that first!? Love the cherry pit spitting...that is totally something that would occur at our house ;)

  5. Cherry pit spitting = good times. It's addicting. Beautiful post and I love the sweet verses by Dylan at the end. I think it fits perfectly with your painting-actually the entire post! Be well. Peace, Angela

  6. You are such a sweet mother! Glad you had such a wonderful day with your family.
    Your little watercolor painting is so pretty and inspiring!

  7. Happiest birthday wishes to your sweet baby and joyful birthing day blessings for you.

  8. Happy Birthday to you both!! It looks like you had a most lovely time. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Your family is so beautiful! And what a lovely way to celebrate a first birthday - such a great milestone, ESPECIALLY for the parents! :)

  10. Oh happy birthday...how very sweet. Congratulations to you for bringing your little one all the way around the sun.
    Blessings to you all!

  11. Love it! What wonderful things to be thankful for!

  12. hellohello beautiful people...thank you for the well wishes on my space. and happy bd little one!! your home space just looks perfect to me.
    love xx

  13. beautiful moments! those smiles are contagious. thanks for sharing.

  14. Such a beautiful collection of photos an things to be thankful for.

  15. lovely blog...beautiful post!
    i am thankful for
    ::spending a friday night with all my peeps
    ::my kitchen and the meals i prepare for my family
    ::blogs that inspire

  16. Happy birthing day to you mamma! And of course for your little one too! I always find when the first year is over, you can breathe a sigh of relief...as in some sense "you've made it"!
    That first year is such a year of survival, (for both baby and mama)...so much growin' goin' on!
    That cherry pit spitting picture is just wonderful! Nice to see such FUN!!!
    xo maureen

  17. What a beautiful watercolour, so light and full of feeling. And how much friendship is there in that first photo! Blissful. x

  18. heartiest wishes for this angel and to his great parents...we from india are sendin love and blessings for the little boy.

  19. Happy, Happy Birthday to both of you! <3

  20. Happy Birthday! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Beautiful pictures!

  21. Happy Birthing day and birthday to your little one. They grow so fast. I love your nursing photo. I do miss it! I nursed my first for 4 years and my second son only 3..

    They are so precious, savor every moment.

  22. thanks for visiting my blog and for your encouraging comment... i would love for you to become my second follower! hee hee. i enjoy your lovely photos and words. jules at adventures in garden village. ( p.s. at first, i thought your blog name was "bending britches"!?!


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