About Me

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


As the summer days dwindle and the days grow a bit colder, I am happy to feel the damp grass under my bare feet every afternoon, as I chase my wee one around our side yard...
I've spent most of my life trying to hide my feet....they're horrid! They were stuffed in pointe shoes for many years, and the damage is pretty severe. Walking barefoot on the concrete outside also doesn't help much.
I've learned to embrace my wounded warriors....after all, they have taken me such wonderful places...taught me to balance, create, and be strong.

circa 2006
They also help with picking laundry up off the floor!
Make baby W giggle when they wiggle....
Dancing partners....
The words "compassion" and "civility" remind me of the importance of my actions, with each step..
A star, to remind me that I direct my paths!!


  1. I love the words on your feet, and what beautiful dance photos! Are you still dancing? My eleven year old daughter is in love with all things ballet.

  2. those feet are gorgeous and the lady they are attached to is very special too .. love the dance photos x

  3. Beautiful feet! and great photos. I especially love the little star tattoo :)

  4. What great photos! I did a bit of time in pointe shoes so I can relate to what you are talking about! I think the connections you made from wanting to hide your feet, to appreciating them for where they have taken you and where they will take you in the future are really beautiful.

  5. i have to tell you, i really don't like feet but i actually think yours are beautiful. love the photos! what a sweet post. ;)

  6. First off, your feet are NOT horrid. And second, I know all about Pointe shoes. The things we do for ballet!

  7. Just love the thought of the star directing your paths, magic!!! Cheers Marie

  8. hey beautiful woman..love your feet !
    x (if my cake turns out good i'll share the recipe with ya!)

  9. I love the symbolism behind your tatoos. I especially like that little star.

  10. How lovely! Thank you for reminding me to take notice of my feet - they deserve it! :)

  11. Your feet are awesome, beautiful and strong! I love the dance pictures. I am still working on body compassion, as the OrganicSister says. Thanks for the wonderful reminder to love all of our parts! Peace, Angela

  12. Oh, thanks for sharing about your tattoos as part of your feet love. I really like the meaning of them, especially on your feet as your travel your path. I love my feet, summer barefooted or winter encased in socks (preferably hand knit!).

  13. Dear Rebecca

    What a lovely post. I love to see people walking barefoot. One of my goals this coming Summer is to walk barefoot more often..Somehow in our coastal towns, barefoot walking is so often seen. I think I need to start the trend here in our town...Your star reminds me of a book I once read called 'follow your north star'..Life does change as our little ones come along. Who would have thought we would one day use our feet for some little body to dangle on...

    I just love honest heart felt posts. I too envy your fairs you have overseas. Wish I could visit one..

    Have a wonderful day dancing Mama
    Warm regards

  14. Your feet are lovely! I love the little star.
    Your dancing photos are even lovelier though.
    What a beautiful dancing mama you are!

  15. You have beautiful feet! And i love the tattoos!

  16. I'm on a dial-up connection, so it took several jabs at the "refresh" button to finally see all of your lovely photos and words in this post. The funny thing is that I was able to read the first comment, where Dawn said, "I love the words on your feet". I thought it was in reference to the words written in your post. I laughed in great delight when I finally saw that it actually quite literally meant the words *on* your feet. FABULOUS! I love intriguing tattoos :-) And I can see that dancing you is just as beautiful as mama you!


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