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Friday, July 16, 2010

Close to my heart...

My craft table is overflowing...
...my head is full of ideas; my hands can hardly catch up...
My creation this week is inspired by my good friend, Amanda, and the beauty of babywearing. In light of some of the bad media that baby slings have been unfairly receiving the past few months (due to parents failing to read instructions for their baby carriers and improper positioning), I was thrilled to host a babywearing meetup for the Eco Moms in our home last week.
Beautiful colorful wraps! Having baby close to your heart is satisfying and convenient!
Here is a needle felted doll I created for Amanda. If you look closely, you can see her beautiful baby, Leah, riding on her back.


  1. Oh, such beautiful pictures!! I love these wraps. Do you sell them? Thank you for visiting our Syrendell blog. Since you are studying to be a Waldorf teacher, you might also like www.thewaldorfway.blogspot.com. :)

  2. *gasp* You are amazing!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!! <3

  3. Oh it is lovely, I tried to persuade my daughter in law to use a sling, but to no avail,however my sister used them and they were fantastic. cheers Marie


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