About Me

Friday, June 25, 2010

My first post! ...and some flowers..

Welcome to my blog! I'm so happy you stopped by...I decided to begin this blog in order for me to comment and reflect on my day-to-day discoveries..there are so many! First and foremost, being a new mother is an exciting journey with much to explore and comment on...I am continually grateful to my "mommy friends"- my like-minded wonder women who never cease to inspire me...I love you all!
Today, I had more of an urge than usual to have flowers in the house...because I'm super thrifty, I decided to take a walk to the front yard and tackle the mass of weeds that went to seed in the neighbors front flower bed. I hacked away and ended up with these arrangements...

1 comment:

  1. Is that dill? Or queen anne's lace? Either way, they're pretty!


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